{Seasonal Ayurvedic Cleanse}


Your investment for your cleanse will simply be your time and intention, plus whatever supplies / ingredients you need.

Optional cleanse support:

  • $30 Body Map Analysis prior to the cleanse

  • $30 Cleanse Support Call before / during the cleanse

  • Ayurveda Health Counseling session or package for full and more accurate assessment.

What is an ‘Ayurvedic’ cleanse?

Generally, an Ayurvedic cleanse involves setting aside a specific amount of time to ‘cleanse’ your diet and lifestyle. This may involve taking a few days off from work and other activities to prioritize your self care, including rest, routine, diet, hydration, gentle exercise, and spiritual practices. It usually involves a ‘mono diet,’ which I will explain a bit more below.

Why should we cleanse?

One of the main reasons we do this type of cleanse is to reset digestion and strengthen agni (digestive fire). This type of cleanse supports balanced metabolism, healthy elimination, assimilation of nutrients, healthy body weight, removal of ama (toxins), better sleep, increased energy and cognitive function. Here are some reasons this type of cleanse may benefit you:

  • if you have digestive discomfort (ex. gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, tired after eating, IBS, irregular bowel movements, etc…)

  • if you have unhealthy cravings (ex. excess spicy, sweet, salty, rich, heavy foods).

  • if you deal with excess stress, anxiety, or overwhelm.

  • if you struggle with brain fog, feel scattered, or inability to concentrate.

  • if your energy level isn’t quite where you would like it to be or you are exhausted or unmotivated.

  • if you suffer from seasonal allergies.

  • if you’ve tried a cleanse in the past and it just made you hungry or irritable.

  • if you would like to set an intention and jumpstart a more balanced diet and lifestyle.

  • if you generally just don’t feel your best and would like to!

When should we cleanse?

This all depends on your body type (prakruti / constitution) and your imbalances (vikruti), as well as the depth / length of cleanse you choose. Most people can safely try a 1-3 day mono diet at any time as a quick digestive reset. For longer / deeper cleanses the best time is during the 2 major seasonal shifts - late winter into early spring and late summer into early fall. These 2 cleanses may look a little bit different, depending on the person.
*NOTE: Consulting a practitioner before beginning a cleanse longer than 3 days is highly recommended. Cleansing is not appropriate during menstruation, when pregnant / breastfeeding, or if extremely weak / debilitated.

How is it done?

Plan in advance. Choose how many days you want to cleanse. Pick a time when you can have as many days off in a row as possible. For example, if you are doing a 3 days cleanse and you have weekends off, you may want to start on a Saturday so that you have at least the first 2 days to dial in your routine without having to rush to work. Ideally, clear your schedule completely so that you can rest, digest, reflect, and focus on your self care.

Your diet during a cleanse is mainly a ‘mono diet’, meaning you are eating pretty much the same easy to digest food throughout the cleanse. A traditional Ayurvedic mono diet includes kitchari (basmati rice, split yellow mung beans, ghee, spices). Choose a mono diet that best fits your constitution and goals (keep reading for examples of different options). If you are not sure about your constitution, take an online Body Type / Dosha Quiz like this one. For more detail about your constitution and imbalances, take a series of quizzes and download your Free Body Map here. If you would like to have your Body Map analyzed to ensure you get the most out of your cleanse, you can contact Rachael to purchase that service then email your Body Map to ayurveda@rachaelharper.com.

In the days leading up to your cleanse, gradually reduce or eliminate fast food, processed foods, meats, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, and other stimulants. Prepare your loved ones, let them know your plans, ask for their support. Gather your supplies - teas, oils, spices, and ingredients based on your food choices.

Keep a daily journal of your food and beverage intake, elimination, digestive symptoms, emotions, sleep, and anything else you notice. Write down the time of day for anything you record. Note that bowel movements may be reduced during your cleanse. If you experience gas, bloating, or constipation, book a cleanse support call (30min) to troubleshoot and adjust your cleanse diet. Email ayurveda@rachaelharper.com or text 704-951-7107 to book a call.

Minimize stress and stay as quiet and mindful as possible during your cleanse. Observe any intense emotions without attachment. Write them in your daily journal. Rest and keep your environment as uplifting an nourishing as possible. Surround yourself with natural elements. This is a great time to cleanse from technology as well.

After the cleanse, ease back into your regular diet and routine, maintaining any healthy habits you created during the cleanse. Gradually diversify your menu, beginning with soups, veggies, and easy to digest proteins. Avoid allergens, refined sugars, processed foods, and stimulants for as long as possible.

the mono diet

Kitchari (see photo) - Ayurveda’s version of ‘Grandma’s Chicken Soup.’ This is an easy to digest, nourishing meal that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Try these recipes:
Joyful Belly Kitchari Recipes
Banyan Botanicals Kitchari Recipes

Other options:

  • Oatmeal for breakfast, Kitchari for lunch and dinner

  • Add veggies to your kitchari if you need to mix it up a bit. You can also steam your veggies and eat them on the side if that helps. You can also add ghee, lime / lemon, salt, fresh herbs as garnishes

  • If beans or rice give you trouble, homemade chicken soup may be more appropriate for you. Keep it simple!

  • If you need something even lighter than kitchari, you could work with (room temperature) green smoothies. This option is not appropriate for everyone, please consult a practitioner if you are thinking of trying this.

  • Cook your food fresh every morning. Leftovers are not recommended in Ayurveda, particularly during cleansing. Eat your food the same day it was prepared.

  • REMINDER: If you experience gas, bloating, or constipation, book a cleanse support call (30min) to troubleshoot and adjust your cleanse diet. Email ayurveda@rachaelharper.com or text 704-951-7107 to book a call. (Note that bowel movements may be reduced, but they should not be difficult or non-existent.)

HYDRATE - drink plenty of water throughout the day, 8-12 cups for most people. Hot water helps break up and clear out ama. Add lemon or lime if you like. Use a pinch of salt if you tend toward dryness. You can drink herbal teas, digestive teas, like ginger or CCF (cumin, coriander, fennel) 20 min before meals.

the daily routine

Take time off from work and other activities if at all possible. Ideally, clear your schedule completely.
Eat at regular times: 7-8am breakfast, 12-1pm lunch; 5-6pm dinner (7pm at the latest)
3 hours between meals. Do not overeat.
Avoid snacking between meals to allow your food to fully digest. If absolutely necessary, fresh fruit or a few nuts may be appropriate for you.
Hydrate - hot / room temperature water and tea throughout the day, sip between meals.

[Morning Routine]

  • Rise early and quietly, before the sun comes up. Have a relaxed morning.

  • Scrape your tongue and brush your teeth. ( watch this video.)

  • Drink hot water (add lime / lemon if desired) to flush the system and assist elimination.

  • Meditate / Sit in Silence

  • Gentle Exercise like walking or gentle yoga - do not push yourself.

  • Abhyanga / daily self massage with organic oils. (More on Abhyanga here)

  • Take a bath or shower.

  • Prepare food / teas for the day.

[Evening Routine]

  • Wind down a couple hours before bedtime.

  • You might like to create an evening ritual involving journaling, contemplation, gentle yoga, foot massage, yoga nidra, etc.

  • Take triphala or chyawanprash 30 min before bed to help cleanse the bowels.

  • 10pm bedtime at the latest.


Stay as quiet and mindful as possible.
Minimize stress and activity.
Notice any intense emotions, try to observe, without attachment
Uplift and nourish yourself

Contact me at ayurveda@rachaelharper.com or text 704-951-7107 any time you need support.

Disclaimer: Rachael Harper is an educator and not a doctor or physician. Any information shared is for educational purposes only and is not to be used as, used as a substitute for, or considered as medical diagnosis, treatment, or prescription. Please consult a health care professional before using any herbs or herbal products, before beginning any new exercise or health regime, and for any persistent problem or complaint.